0151 705 9345
0161 667 7795
Greg Bull KC
Called to the Bar 1976
Extensive experience in exceptionally serious criminal work including serious commercial fraud, money laundering, confiscation, terrorism, murder, sexual offences and other violent crimes.
Greg is former leader of the Wales and Chester Circuit, and sits as a Recorder.
R v. G VHCC. A terrorism case involving the ‘failed London bombers’.
R v. C and Others Birmingham Crown Court. Represented a mortgage broker in a multimillion pound conspiracy to obtain mortgages.
R v. S Birmingham Crown Court. Represented a businessman accused of conspiracy to defraud, and breach of a restraining order, involving millions of pounds. This was an extremely complicated case as it involved multiple companies and solicitors. Further, the case had overseas interest in that companies from Dubai and a bank from India all featured. The case was linked to a much larger fraud committed by a well-known businessman in the West Midlands.
R v. H Defended Slovak national accused of murder by kicking another to death inflicting over 60 fractures to the head. Acquitted of murder; convicted of manslaughter.
R v. M (2013) Prosecuted triple murder of three members of the same family by arson.